Exhibition Opening Reception | Neighbors 1938 “We were all Ladenburgers”

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Thursday February 23

6:00 PM  –  7:30 PM


This exhibition was conceived by teachers and students at the Hochschule für Jüdische Studien (Center for Jewish Studies, Heidelberg) and the University of Heidelberg in cooperation with the Lobdengau Museum. The project was based on the information compiled by the working group “Jüdische Geschichte” (‘Jewish History’) established in 1983 in Ladenburg. This exhibit discusses the fate of several Ladenburg families within the broader historical context. Neighbors 1938 “We were all Ladenburgers” is a special exhibit for Holocaust Museum Houston because Ladenburg was the childhood home of survivors Lea Krell Weems and Ruth Steinfeld. Lea and Ruth survived by being smuggled out of Gurs by the French resistance group Œuvre de Secours aux Enfants (Children’s Aid Society) at the age of 8 and 7.  
